Saturday, July 27, 2024

American Public Policy: Promise and Performance (12th Edition)

American Public Policy: Promise and Performance is a comprehensive textbook that explores the intricate world of public policy in the United States. Written by B. Guy Peters and Jon Pierre, this 12th edition offers a detailed analysis of the promises made by policymakers and the actual performance of public policies.

Key Concepts and Principles

The textbook covers a wide range of key concepts and principles that are essential to understanding American public policy. It provides an in-depth examination of the policy-making process, including agenda setting, policy formulation, implementation, and evaluation. The authors also discuss the role of various actors, such as interest groups, political parties, and the media, in shaping public policy.

One of the central themes of the book is the tension between the promises made by policymakers and the actual outcomes of public policies. It delves into the reasons why policies often fail to achieve their intended goals and explores the challenges of implementation and evaluation. The authors emphasize the importance of evidence-based policy-making and the need for rigorous evaluation to ensure that policies are effective and efficient.

The textbook also examines the major policy areas in the United States, including economic policy, social policy, and foreign policy. It explores the historical context of these policies, their development over time, and their impact on society. The authors highlight the interconnectedness of different policy areas and the need for a holistic approach to public policy.


American Public Policy: Promise and Performance is a valuable resource for anyone interested in understanding the complexities of public policy in the United States. It provides a comprehensive overview of key concepts and principles, while also analyzing the promises and performance of public policies. By incorporating relevant keywords naturally, this article aims to enhance the visibility and accessibility of this important textbook.


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